The Three Major Elements of a Launch Event

Have you recently attended a formal event, and found yourself talking about the experience non-stop? Be it a launch, or welcome party for an important person in your organization or even something as small as a get-together for the whole staff. No matter how big or cozy the event, serious work by a group of […]

Below the Line Marketing: How Low Can You Go?

Despite the proven art and science of advertising, many still describe it as a gamble. When it comes to approaching the discipline on behalf of a brand or product, advertising can be classed as; Above-the-Line, Below-the-Line, and Through-the Line. Seeing as we identify as an activation and events agency, our pronouns are BTL. So, for […]

Why Creating an Experience is Pivotal in Marketing.

You never forget a memorable experience. Whether it’s with a person, a group of people, or a product, the richer the experience the longer and more meaningful the impact. Customer experience is important because it helps to increase sustainable growth and boost the revenue of a business. A positive and pleasant customer experience promotes loyalty, […]